Meet the publishers (UK)
Promus take a goal-oriented approach to creating networks within publishing/sync and will again be inviting to a pitch and speed meeting with international music business representatives.Swing by and pitch your music to representatives from Stockholm, London, Nashville, Hamburg and Berlin and expand your network to international top publishers and sync people such as the below mentioned. Sign-up via info@promus.dk - First come, first served.More info: promus.dk/meet-the-publishers.asp
EXTERNAL SEMINAR: Presented by Promus in cooperation with DPA/Danish Songwriters Guild
Johan Ekelund: Co-founder of Kobalt Music, Stockholm
Christoffer Lindh: A&R manager at Sony/ATV Music Publishing, Stockholm
Pelle Lidell: European A&R executive at Universal Music Publishing Group
Pia Hoffmann: Manager at musicsupervising.com, Hamborg
Yasmine Gallus: Song Marketing & Sync Manager at Budde Music, Berlin
Devon DeVries: Sony/ATV Music Publishing, Nashville
Sophie Urquhart: Founder of Tin Drum Music, London
Dan Dunbar: Creative Director at The Sync Agency, London
Nick Morgan: Head of Talent and Rights at FRUKT Communications, London
Jesper Gadeberg: Music Stylist, Denmark
Fredrik Nedelmann: Freibank Music Publishing, Germany
Moderator: Jesper Mardahl, Head of Promus
This seminar will be in English.