SPOT2012 Flashback
“There was so much to choose from at SPOT that the festival audience was more than faithful to the town proverb: Aarhus is the city of smiles…. (…) …with these, and many other SPOT concerts, it is clear that the Scandinavian pop/rock scene definitely will continue to be as varied as it is exquisite.
El Mundo, Pablo Gil (ES)
“There’s a vast ocean of bands to wade through first. This is the 18th edition of Spot, where the next wave of Nordic talent shows off for enthusiastic local fans and international agents, bookers and assorted media types.”
Clash Magazine, Si Hawkins (UK)
“Something is stirring in the state of Denmark. And it is not just in the pots and pans at NOMA (…), bubbling under the surface, is the rock and pop which previously belonged to the princes in Efterklang, Agnes Obel, Trentemøller, 4 Guys From The Future, Our Broken Garden and Asteroids Galaxcy Tour. The country even an event dedicated to the upcoming artists: The SPOT Festival”
Le Monde, Stéphane Davet (FR)
“SPOT has long been recognized as a landmark event for many emerging Scandinavian artists (…) With such an array of fine musical delights to savour, DiS found itself spoilt for choice” …- The current Danish music scene – and Scandinavia in general to be fair – seems to be bursting at the seams with a glut of undiscovered talent.
Drowned In Sound, Dom Gourlay (UK)
“Spot Festival is not the same as other festivals”
Nordic Culture in China (CN)
“The second day in Aarhus, Saturday, was wonderful. First, lovely shows during Spot DAYPARTY, then… musical heaven. Seriously. Heaven…. When the last sounds came to the end, I had tears in my eyes. Because it was the end of Spot Festival 2012.
Dobrebodonskie.com (PL)
“SPOT was a musical exploration; it was a festival with an alternative edge that possessed a true sense of raw creativity in both the performers and the onlookers”
IRR – IndieRock Reviews, Rachel Mackay (US)
“Our latest trip to Denmark was yet again all but a waste of time…”
Dirk Steenhaut, Knack Focus (BE)
“Thank you Aarhus…”
Intro, Bastian Küllenberg (DE)
“All in all we had a great weekend in Århus, Denmark, met great people, talked to great musicians and saw amazing acts. In most points a perfect festival. …. Thanks a lot and see you next year, SPOT Festival”
Nothing But Hope And Fashion, Robert Helbig & Axel Kunz (DE)