Ice Cream Cathedral – Out In The North session
Emil Smith Nielsen – Out In The North SessionThe sun is shining for one of the first times since the change from winter to spring. Spring has already reached people’s minds as they have all taken to the forest of Riis Skov for a walk or a run with family and friends. Everybody has a cheerful smile on their faces, and so did Ice Cream Cathedral when we met them at “Den Permanente” in Aarhus. Ice Cream Cathedral took the time to make a session with us right before a gig at Radar, Aarhus, and what a perfect day for some ice cream.
We took them down to the beach, where you could see all the way to Djursland and the water was still and beautiful. Ice Cream Cathedral has chosen the perfect song for the session “Amber sail” and it drifted off perfectly in the afternoon sun. Positioned on rocks with nothing but an old keyboard, a mixture of percussions and the beautiful voice of Anja Lahrmann, they played with great empathy.
Ice Cream Cathedral being debuting with their first record “The Drowsy Kingdom” has also set sail for a tour alongside Fallulah, so remember to check them out for those concerts.
See more videos from Out In The North here.