Yet another speaker for the SPOT Interactive Conference
ShareplayWe are happy to announce our last speaker for the SPOT Interactive Conference on May 2nd: Christian Fonnesbech
Christian is one of Europe’s leading transmedia creators. He has produced and directed 35+ online and transmedia projects. Together with Vibeke Windeløv (producer of ‘Breaking The Waves’ and ‘Dancer in the Dark’) and Frederik Øvlisen (Investigate North), he is about to launch ‘Cloud Chamber’ – an online mystery that brings together many media types and formats into a single experience that users pay for.
Can a story combine film, games and social media into a single experience? Will online users pay for that experience? The Cloud Chamber project is the first of its kind to receive funding from the Danish Film Institute. At the SPOT Interactive Conference Christian Fonnesbech will showcase the project and describe its artistic development and business model.
See the trailer for Cloud Chamber here: http://investigatenorth.com/trailer/
Find more information about the conference here.
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